"The best teacher is the one who suggests rather than dogmatizes, and inspires his listener with the wish to teach himself." . E. B.-L.


Yoga and Circuit Training and Biking Oh My

One of my big goals this summer was to continue my road to fitness and maintaining good shape. I've done well with the help of Weight Watchers and a husband who is both support system and motivator and gradually gone from begrudgingly going to the gym a few times a week to committing every single day to some form of activity, gym-based or otherwise. I never believed I would be one of those people who enjoyed fitness, so this is a huge step for me. I'm not an athlete, and suffice it to say that my 5'11, long, solid build is God's punchline when people joke that I SHOULD be an athlete. However, I can barely hit a ball, shoot a basket, spike a volleyball (make any other form of contact), catch a football, or reflect any other aspect of athletic ability. And although I lack hand-eye coordination, balance, and basic coordination, I make up for those things with spirit, a sense of humor, and a never-ending quest to remain in a single-digit pant size.

On that note, in the past few weeks, I've attempted to mix up the basic elliptical/weight machine/Wii Fit routine I was formerly plugging away at. My top three below:

1. Yoga: I can't hit a ball, but I can apparently suspend the weight of my lower body over my upper body for extended periods of times. Oddly enough, it feels pretty good. I love how lean and taught my body feels after a good yoga session. I'm still a novice, but I love it more with every attempt.

2. Biking: As of last month, I am the proud owner of my very own big-girl bike for the first time in well over ten years. I love it! I'm still getting used to riding on busy street sidewalks and in pedestrian-laden area, but I just get such a rush after a long ride down the Lansing River Walk trail or through the beautiful MSU campus. Who knew my legs could do the miles they can?

3. Intense circuit training class: Okay, so I just tried this one for the first time yesterday, and it kicked.my.arse. This is not your mama's Jazzersize. The class consisted of a spin session, an upper body sculpting session with light and heavy weights, basic cardio circuits of jogging, jumping jacks, and the like, cardio "stations" that included stepping, lunging, squats, jump rope, and knee raises, and finally, a floor session of core sculpting. It was rough, but in the most empowering way. A day later, I am sore in places I didn't know had muscle, possibly because the muscles in those areas came to life through miraculous conception and the powers of one of the best fitness class instructors I've ever seen. I left the class panting, sweat-saturated, and smiling, so I will definitely be back next week.

 Below: The fruits of my labor. A pair of Express Zelda Skinny's - size 8.

1 comment:

  1. Hmm...so THAT is how I can get your pants in a pile in the corner of our bedroom floor!
