"The best teacher is the one who suggests rather than dogmatizes, and inspires his listener with the wish to teach himself." . E. B.-L.


Am I The Only One Who...

Do you ever think about the strange, idiosyncratic behaviors you partake in every day and wonder if you're alone? Are you the only one who does these things? Typically, these are exactly the types of behavior about which one stays secretive, but because I'm brave (and I know of only one person who is following my blog, and he happens to see me do these things every day), I'm going to put 10 of my personal odd behaviors out there in the hopes that I am not alone.

Am I the only one who...

1. ...picks up and cuddles my cats after seeing one of those awful, emotionally manipulative ASPCA commercials?

2. ...peels grapes?

3. ...feels guilty about watching crappy reality shows like The Bachelorette and Keeping Up with the Kardashians, as well as the resulting schadenfreude when the lives of those fame-whoring people ultimately blow up in their faces?

4. ...sometimes YouTube's the most random things, like old music videos from the 90's or SchoolHouse Rock clips, when there doesn't appear to be anything better to do?

5. ...uses YouTube as a verb? I don't know if this has caught on the way the verb "google" has...

6. ...will go back and re-write an exceedingly long text message or e-mail from scratch when it doesn't come out exactly the way my right brain says it should?

7. ...still occasionally (and by that I mean seldom) buys fat-free potato chips made with Olestra?

8. ...will overload my arms and hands with grocery or other bags upon returning from a shopping trip, to the point that I'm practically opening my door with my teeth, rather than make a second trip?

9. ...randomly and irrationally fears that a freak accident will occur at any moment after spending an extended period of time on an expressway?

10. ...wishes a documentary film-maker followed me around for a day (or more), a la The Office?

Oh, really? Just me? Whelp...okay, then.


  1. I can only speak for myself but I am very sorry for whatever happened in your childhood to make you turnout this way. If I had anything to do with it I hope I fixed it before it affected your sister. Where do you find the time to do this? OMG

  2. I hope your comments were sarcastic. :) I usually blog around 7-8 pm weeknights. It really doesn't take long. As a teacher who preaches the importance of writing, in some medium, every day, how could I live with myself if I didn't do this? :)
